In today's complex operating environment, global financial institutions face a growing number of risks associated with business records. Insufficient understanding and control of business records is at the root of many of the current risks faced by financial institutions: data leakage, lack of integrity of transaction records, legal discovery challenges, data protection and confidentiality compliance, trans-border data flow issues, and meeting records retention requirements to name but a few.

The key to resolving many of these issues is in developing a clearer understanding of the records of financial institutions - their creation, communication, storage, and disposal, as well as the people and systems that affect these processes. From this understanding the principles and practices associated with a strong and effective program of managing and controlling the risks associated with records can be achieved. The Centre of Investigation for Financial Electronic Records (CiFER) is a global program of investigation into the records of financial institutions and how best to manage and control the risks associated with them. CiFER consists of 5 core research streams. Click on the headings above to find out more.